b"PRESIDENT'S LETTERJohn McGirl Presidentmarine hotel associationI ts a well-known fact that having ahave benefited from attending these pro- for every level of the marine hotel orga-clear mission and a strong sense ofgrams with their tuition covered by MHAnization and provides an entry point for purpose is a driver of longevity in manyScholarship funds. These programs con- existing and new suppliers to gain access things. The Marine Hotel Associationtinue to make a difference every year into the sector without sacrificing any aspect (MHA) first formed its charter in Maythe professional development of our in- of the experience. In fact, because we are 1985, and here we are 35 years later con- dustry and the MHA membership is proudrun by a voluntary board of marine hotel tinuing to deliver on the same core mis- to support this mission. executives and supplier companies, our sion that its founding principles identified. only focus is on creating a truly excep-The MHA is looking forward to con- tional conference and tradeshow expe-We continue to do this by buildingtinuing the meaningful dialogues that tookrience, with the only beneficiary being relationships in the marine hotel supplyshape in the 2019 Conference at Sea heldthe attendees.chain and providing safe, no pressure fo- aboard the MSC Divina. Topics includ-rums for industry professionals and theired trends in global sourcing; quality andAs our industry grows and diversifies supply chain partners to have open andinnovation; sustainability and renewable,offering more opportunities and challeng-meaningful dialogue on critical issues andas well as culinary innovation and foodes globally, there has never been a more get essential exposure to innovative newand beverage concept development. Weimportant time for associations like ours products and services.will have a great line up of cruise industryto add value. The common thread that professionals contributing to panel discus- binds all aspects of MHAs success is its We also continue to offer our MHAsions and special events combined withloyal membership. We appreciate your Scholarship programs, first establishedexhibitors and vendor meetings. continued loyalty and look forward to in 1986 when no other such forums werespending valuable time together at up-in existence. Over the years since MHAsI always like to remind our member- coming events. Scholarship programs were introducedship that it is our not-for-profit status that over 8,200 shipboard and shoreside staffmakes this event accessible and affordable 4Cruise Industry News: MHA 35 thAnniversary"