b'OPERATIONSmattresses and amenities. We provide a really high-quality parka so youre geared up for the places you go, he said.The new 12,000-ton ship will have an indoor yoga studio protected from the extreme latitude elements, as well as a second restaurant.ValuesAnother element of luxury is put-ting values first. Reduced plastic waste, wildlife protection and thoughtful food choices, all appeal to Lindblad custom-ers sense of luxury. Its the luxury ofThe new 126-guest National Geographic Endurancevalues-based choice. during her February sea trials.When we speak about luxury were doing things like using amenities that are not using plastic, that dont have any mi- Overall, its where Lindblad goes thathigh level of service, we deliver on all cro plastics in them, that dont have anydefines its level of luxury: the ends ofthose things. If you are also looking to sulfites in them, that are dispensed in athe Earth. do photography in these locations with bulk dispenser but yet are really beauti- What we deliver in quality alignsa National Geographic photographer, ful, Tschampel said. with luxury as well. We just dont spendor seeing killer whale research with re-The company ensures its seafood pur- a lot of time speaking to it because itsnowned scientists in Antarctica, you can chasers make sustainable choices, he said,so much about where we go, he said.only get that on our ship. The quality that protect species populations, and sus- If somebody wants an incredibly com- of that experiential travel is going to be tainable harvesting. fortable ship and delicious food and aamazing. Hamburg | Germany We know the Seas. marketing@columbia-cs.comcolumbia-cs.com We know your Needs.CCS, your Managerbehind the ScenesAt home on the Seven Seassharing your Passion. WithTechnical Managementextensive experience and competence in the cruise industry,Crewing ManagementCOLUMBIA Cruise Services delivers complex tailor-made Hotel Managementmanagement services to you. Being your partner and manager behind the scenes, our ultimate focus is to contribute to thePort Operations Managementsuccess of your brand, operations and development.New Building SupervisionWe live your course! CCS, your reliable partner in all facets ofProject Managementocean-going vessel operations.ConsultancyWelcome aboard!Full Management'